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BP checker and strong mana potion checker
Hi could someone help me with this script something like

local UH_backpack = ' brown backpack'
local Smp_backpack = 'blue backpack'
local min_smp = 120
local min_UH_cap = 60

if UH_backpack "cap" is under min_UH_cap or if item smp under min_smp then goto"label refill" or else goto label "continue 1"

second script instead of goto label use alarm

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edit: SMP = strong mana potion
UH = ultimate healing rune


I can only think in two ways to count a container's weight:
1. If you know all items weight and iterate over all items on container. Bot don't have know items weight, so you would need to manually setup.
local CONFIG = {
    { Container = 'brown backpack', MinWeight = 60 }, -- Container Index, id or name and its minimum weight.
    { Container = 'blue backpack', MinWeight = 120 },

local ITEMS = {
    { Id = 3031, Weight = 0.1 },
    { Id = 3035, Weight = 0.1 },

for _, config in ipairs(CONFIG) do
    local cont = getcontainer(config.Container)
    local weight = 0
    local flag = false
    for __, item in ipairs(cont.items) do
        for ___, itemInfo in ipairs(ITEMS) do
            if item.id == itemInfo.Id then
                flag = true
                weight = weight + itemInfo.Weight

    if flag and weight < config.MinWeight then

gotolabel('continue 1')

2. Using context menu (right-click + "Look") and checking the message.
local MAIN_BP = 'red backpack' -- Container index, id or name
local CONFIG = {
    { ContainerId = 2854, MinWeight = 60 }, -- ID of container that is inside main bp to check weight. and its minimum weight.
    { ContainerId = 2869, MinWeight = 120 },
local weightMessagePattern = 'It weighs (%d*%.?%d+) oz'

for _, config in ipairs(CONFIG) do
    if contextmenucontainer('Look', MAIN_BP, config.ContainerId) then
        local msg = screenmessage(true, '3')
        if msg ~= nil and msg ~= '' then
            local weight_str = string.match(msg, weightMessagePattern)
            if weight_str ~= nil then
                local weight = tonumber(weight_str)
                if weight ~= nil and weight < config.MinWeight then

gotolabel('continue 1')

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