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Castareaspell exori vis?
Having trouble to get character to turn and hit monsters with exoris on 8.0 where they are only in front of char

I'm trying this:
castareaspell("exori vis",1,true,true,1)

but doesn't seem to work what am I doing wrong?


Exori vis is not area spell, but I may add in future.

I recommend you to use Targeting -> (Creature):
-- Stance: Strike
-- Spell: Energy Strike.
-- Atk Mode: Stand/Defensive.

Strike stance will reach the monster then face and turn to monster whenever Energy Strike may cast the spell.

Thanks a lot for this. I managed to get it to work by fixing 2 bugs. The turning directions were wrong.(Turned north when monster was east, south when west, east when north etc) and player posx() posy() functions were called using incorrect syntax.  I also used the safe exori script to make this a safe "exori vis"
-- [ Settings ] --

local SafeList = { "bla", "blabla" } -- Your safelist

local SafeHealth = 70 -- Only if your HP % is higher or equal to this valaue.
local PVP = true -- PVP world?
local CheckAllFloor = true -- Checks all floors for players?

-- [ Safe Exori by Mrcn and fixed by Arkilys ] --       

if not PVP or paroundignore(CheckAllFloor, unpack(SafeList)) == 0 then
    local attackedCreature = attacked()
    if attackedCreature.id > 0 then
        local diffX = posx()-attackedCreature.posx
        local diffY = posy()-attackedCreature.posy

        local diffAbsX = math.abs(diffX)
        local diffAbsY = math.abs(diffY)

        if (diffAbsX == 1 and diffAbsY == 0) or (diffAbsX == 0 and diffAbsY == 1) then
            local sideMustBeTurned = -1
            if diffX == 0 and diffY == 1 then
                sideMustBeTurned = 2
            elseif diffX == 0 and diffY == -1 then
                sideMustBeTurned = 0
            elseif diffX == 1 and diffY == 0 then
                sideMustBeTurned = 3
            elseif diffX == -1 and diffY == 0 then
                sideMustBeTurned = 1

            if sideMustBeTurned >= 0 and sideMustBeTurned <= 3 then
                if dir() ~= sideMustBeTurned then
                    wait(300, 500)
                if dir() == sideMustBeTurned then
                    cast('exori vis')

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