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Deposit gold
How to make the bot deposit gold in bank on full cap?


1. Script to leave hunt on low cap.
if cap() <= 50 then

2. Script to deposit.
wait(500, 1200)
say('deposit all')
wait(500, 1200)
wait(500, 1200)

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Thank you! So to make this work(im a noob at the bot) i will make the cavebot script in the cave. Then at the end i add waypoints to bank? (and name the last waypoint leave hunt)? so when the cap is <50 it will go to leave hunt and use the waypoints to the bank? How does the bot know when he is at the bank?

edit: Also do i add these scripts in the LUA Setup in the cavebot tab?

edit2: How do i make the bot go back to spawn? Will i use the same cap script if cap >50 then go to label (back_to_spawn) and just way point it there from bank?

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