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FREE Auto follow player
Auto follow player

This script uses game-client's follow (green square) when there are no monsters from specific list on screen and not targeting anything.
local Player = 'Player name'
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

if connected() then
    local follow_creature = followed()
    if maround(0, table.unpack(Monsters)) == 0 and target().id == 0 then
        if (follow_creature.id == 0 or (follow_creature.id > 0 and follow_creature.name:lower() ~= Player:lower())) and paround(0, Player) > 0 then
    elseif follow_creature.id > 0 then

This script walks by iself, not using follow (green square), trying to keep at least X sqms when there are no monsters from specific list on screen and not targeting anything.
local Player = 'Player name'
local PlayerDistance = 3 -- Distance to stay away from player.
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

if connected() then
    local monsters_around = maroundreachable(0, table.unpack(Monsters))
    if monsters_around == 0 and target().id == 0 then
        local creature = getcreature(Player)
        if creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance then
            reachcreature(Player, PlayerDistance)
local Player = 'Player name'
local PlayerDistance = 3 -- Distance to stay away from player.
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

local monsters_around = maroundreachable(0, table.unpack(Monsters))
if monsters_around == 0 and target().id == 0 then
    local creature = getcreature(Player)
    if creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance then
        local tries = 0
        while creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance do
            reachcreature(Player, PlayerDistance)
            creature = getcreature(Player)
            tries = tries + 1
            if tries >= 2 and target().id > 0 then
                tries = 0

This script uses game-client's follow (green square) when there are no monsters from specific list on screen and not targeting anything.
But also walks by iself, not using follow (green square), trying to keep at least X sqms when THERE ARE monsters from specific list on screen OR targeting anything.

That means: If no monsters = follow using game-client (green square); If there monsters, walk by itself sqm by sqm.
local Player = 'Player name'
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

if connected() then
    local follow_creature = followed()
    if maround(0, table.unpack(Monsters)) == 0 and target().id == 0 then
        if (follow_creature.id == 0 or (follow_creature.id > 0 and follow_creature.name:lower() ~= Player:lower())) and paround(0, Player) > 0 then
        if follow_creature.id > 0 then
            wait(200, 300)
        local creature = getcreature(Player)
        if creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance then
            reachcreature(Player, PlayerDistance)
local Player = 'Player name'
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

if connected() then
    if maround(0, table.unpack(Monsters)) == 0 and target().id == 0 then
        local follow_creature = followed()
        if (follow_creature.id == 0 or (follow_creature.id > 0 and follow_creature.name:lower() ~= Player:lower())) and paround(0, Player) > 0 then
        if follow_creature.id > 0 then
            wait(200, 300)
        local creature = getcreature(Player)
        if creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance then
            local tries = 0
            while creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance do
                wait(100, 300)
                creature = getcreature(Player)
                tries = tries + 1
                if tries >= 8 then


Doesn't it work on Realera.org if u dont choose "follow" manual from minimenu.

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or i'm doing something wrong?
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|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.loading="lazy" alt="[Image: 90k43nE]" class="mycode_img" />


Please, redownload and reinstall Kasteria OTBot. It was actually a bug on follow function on Realera, thanks for your report!
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|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin" class="smilie smilie_4" />

Where do i add this script? Tried persistens but didnt work, cant see where else to put it =/

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Persistents, it works fine.

19:16:19 - Cavebot:LUA Setup->Line :35: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 6) near '<eof>': end
19:16:19 - Core:Lua:ExecuteScript
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.alt="Big Grin" title="Big Grin" class="smilie smilie_4" />oString
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" class="smilie smilie_5" />ersistent01: 35: 'end' expected (to close 'if' at line 6) near '<eof>'

Thats what i get when i put it in persistens


Nvm, it works i managed to fuck it up as usual. But is it possible to make the bot to have 3-5 sqm behind?

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I recommend you to use the script i've posted in this thread AND setup Targeting -> Creature -> Stance: Keep Away Wait. So Targeting will keep away from monster at least X sqms, but if it's bit far then it will not reach it. For example: If you setup Keep Away Wait and use Distance == 3 then it will try to keep at least 3 sqms away, but if you are 5 sqms away, it will not reach monster but keep that distance.
So it will follow player and once monster appears then it would stop following and keep distance from monster.

But if you really wanna keep distance from the player without using Tartgeting then this code will follow player, but keeping distance. This will not use "Follow", so maybe it works slower.
local Player = 'Player name'
local PlayerDistance = 3 -- Distance to stay away from player.
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

local monsters_around = maroundreachable(0, table.unpack(Monsters))
if monsters_around == 0 and target().id == 0 then
    local creature = getcreature(Player)
    if creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance then
        local tries = 0
        while creature.id > 0 and creature.dist > PlayerDistance do
            creature = getcreature(Player)
            tries = tries + 1
            if tries >= 2 and target().id > 0 then
                tries = 0

I don't recomend using this script, because it will se "Follow" option, but will press esc to stop following when get too close then follow again... not really good.
local Player = 'Player name'
local PlayerDistance = 3 -- Distance to stay away from player.
local Monsters = { 'Demon', 'Demon Skeleton', 'Ghoul' }

if maround(0, table.unpack(Monsters)) == 0 and target().id == 0 then
    local creature = getcreature(Player)
    if creature.id > 0 then
        local follow_creature = followed()
        if (follow_creature.id == 0 or follow_creature.id ~= creature.id) and creature.id > PlayerDistance then
        elseif follow_creature.id == creature.id and follow_creature.dist <= PlayerDistance then

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