This script will wait a random time before casting the healing spell to avoid being detected with "Auto healer".
Warning: The best healing spell must be at the top, because script will check following the order from top to bottom. So it will check for Exura Vita -> Exura Gran -> Exura.
Warning 2: I recommend to setup a very low Persistent delay/interval like 100-200.
This work same way, except that it can use Rune and Spells.
This script will wait a random time before casting the healing spell to avoid being detected with "Auto healer".
Warning: The best healing spell must be at the top, because script will check following the order from top to bottom. So it will check for Exura Vita -> Exura Gran -> Exura.
Warning 2: I recommend to setup a very low Persistent delay/interval like 100-200.
local RULES = {
{ Hppc = 60, Mana_Spell = 80, Spell = 'exura vita' }, -- Hppc% or lower and MP is higher to cast this spell.
{ Hppc = 80, Mana_Spell = 40, Spell = 'exura gran' },
{ Hppc = 95, Mana_Spell = 25, Spell = 'exura' },
local Delay_Heal = { Min = 1000, Max = 3000 } -- In milliseconds
if cancast() and connected() then
local player_hppc = hppc()
local player_mp = mp()
for _, rule in ipairs(RULES) do
if player_hppc <= rule.Hppc and player_mp >= rule.Mana_Spell then
wait(Delay_Heal.Min, Delay_Heal.Max)
This work same way, except that it can use Rune and Spells.
local RULES = {
{ Hppc = 60, Mana_Spell = 0, Rune = 'ultimate healing rune' }, -- Hppc% or lower and MP is higher to cast this spell.
{ Hppc = 95, Mana_Spell = 25, Spell = 'exura' },
local Delay_Heal = { Min = 1000, Max = 3000 } -- In milliseconds
if cancast() and connected() then
local player_hppc = hppc()
local player_mp = mp()
for _, rule in ipairs(RULES) do
if player_hppc <= rule.Hppc and player_mp >= rule.Mana_Spell then
wait(Delay_Heal.Min, Delay_Heal.Max)
if rule.Spell ~= nil then
elseif rule.Rune ~= nil then
if iswalking() then
useitemoncreature(rule.Rune, id())