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FREE Loot Sorter

It will drop the following items on the specific locations and will also open the next backpacks inside.

local OpenNextBPs = true
local ITEMS_DROP = {
   { Id = 2148, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},
   { Id = 1234, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},
   { Id = 4321, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},


local player_z = posz()

for _, item in ipairs(ITEMS_DROP) do
   while itemcount(item.Id) > 0 do
       moveitems(item.Id, ground(item.Location.X, item.Location.Y, player_z), '', 100)

if OpenNextBPs then
   local containers = getcontainers()

    for i = 1, #containers do
       local container = containers[i]
       for j = 1, #container.items do
           local item = container.items[j]
           if item ~= nil then
               if itemhasflags(item.id, 4) then
                   openitemslot(item.index, container.index, false)
                   wait(800, 1200)


Is it possible for them to throw away these things on one sqm?
I mean to collect, and if the character will pass by X, Y, Z it will throw things out.

I tried to rewrite this but it does not really work as it should.
Basically, I just cut half of the script hehe
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local OpenNextBPs = true
local ITEMS_DROP = {
  { Id = 2148, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},
  { Id = 1234, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},
  { Id = 4321, Location = { X = 12345, Y = 12345}},


local player_z = posz()

for _, item in ipairs(ITEMS_DROP) do
  while itemcount(item.Id) > 0 do
      moveitems(item.Id, ground(item.Location.X, item.Location.Y, player_z), '', 100)


I'm not sure what you mean, because this script will drop each item on a specific SQM, as title says, it's useful to sort loot on floor (like in your character's house). So you can setup to drop all items on the same sqm or not.

If you are going to drop all items in one specific sqm, you can use a dropitems() function.
local items = { 'gold coin', 'battle shield', 'plate armor' }
local POSITION = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 1 }

dropitems(ground(POSITION.X, POSITION.Y, POSITION.Y), table.unpack(items))

Or this, that will drop in your feet, no matter which sqm that you are standing at...
local items = { 'gold coin', 'battle shield', 'plate armor' }

dropitems(ground(posx(), posy(), posz()), table.unpack(items))

Notice that Cavebot has also a waypoint type "Drop", which will do the same on the sqm that you create the waypoint.

Yes, I want to drop items from my backpack to specifiq SQM.
The script works perfectly but could you rewrite it so that I could throw it in two specific SQM's?

I mean something like that:
local items = { 'gold coin', 'battle shield', 'plate armor' }
local POSITION = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 1 }

local items = { 'magic plate armor', 'demon shield', 'golden armor' }
local POSITION = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 1 }

dropitems(ground(POSITION.X, POSITION.Y, POSITION.Z), table.unpack(items))

The very first script already does that.
But here's another one:
local items_first = { 'gold coin', 'battle shield', 'plate armor' }
local POSITION_FIRST = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 1 }

dropitems(ground(POSITION_FIRST .X, POSITION_FIRST .Y, POSITION_FIRST .Y), table.unpack(items_first ))

local items_second = { 'gold coin', 'battle shield', 'plate armor' }
local POSITION_SECOND = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 1 }

dropitems(ground(POSITION_SECOND .X, POSITION_SECOND .Y, POSITION_SECOND .Y), table.unpack(items_second ))

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