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The trial is given automatically when you login on the Bot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons).
If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
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FREE Smart Anti Push on player
Smart Anti Push on player
local CONFIG = {
  Delay = { Min = 200, Max = 500 }, -- Delay after each drop.
  Items = {3031, 3147, 3507, 3447}, -- Items to drop.
  DropCount = 2, -- How many items should throw on each drop? Example: 2 gold coins per drop. If you have a stack with 100 gold coins, it would drop 2 by 2.
  SafeList = { 'friend name', 'another friend' }, -- Characters name that will not trigger this.
  MaxItemsDropped = 5 -- Maximum amount of items dropped on the floor. The script will only drop items if the quantity is less than this value.

if connected() and paroundignore(0, table.unpack(CONFIG.SafeList)) > 0 then

  if tileitemscount == nil then
      function tileitemscount()
          local tile_items_count = 0
          local last_id = 0

          local tile = gettile(posx(), posy(), posz())
          for _, item in ipairs(tile.items) do
              if itemhasflags(item.id, ITEM_PICKUPABLE) then
                  tile_items_count = tile_items_count + 1
              elseif itemhasflags(item.id, ITEM_NOTMOVEABLE) then
                  tile_items_count = 0

          return { tile_items_count, last_id }

  local TILE_ITEMS_INFO = tileitemscount()
  while TILE_ITEMS_INFO[1] <= CONFIG.MaxItemsDropped do
      if TILE_ITEMS_INFO[1] == 0 then
          LAST_ITEM = 0

      local items_dropped_count = 0
      local containers = getcontainers()
      for _, container in ipairs(containers) do
          for __, item in ipairs(container.items) do
              if table.find(CONFIG.Items, item.id) ~= nil then
                  if LAST_ITEM ~= item.id then
                      moveitems(item.id, ground(posx(), posy(), posz()), container.index, CONFIG.DropCount)
                      wait(CONFIG.Delay.Min, CONFIG.Delay.Max)

                      items_dropped_count = items_dropped_count + 1
                      LAST_ITEM = item.id

      if items_dropped_count == 0 then

      TILE_ITEMS_INFO = tileitemscount()



I have a problem with this script could you help me?

Erro: 06:45:25 - LUA Script -> Persistent04: 19: attempt to call global 'itemhasflag' (a nil value)

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