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Humanizer script
Would it be possible to make a script which sometimes randomly pushes items which are on the floor to a random other position?

Like, when I'm hunting manually, out of boredom I tend to randomly move items i come across on the floor. Mostly corpses of monsters.
For example, I am hunting dwarf guards, and I want a script which with a certain random value throws a dead body some SQM away.

local itemIDs = {3294, 2853, 3049}

local function getRandomOffset()
    return math.random(-3, 3)

-- Main loop
while true do
        for _, itemId in ipairs(itemIDs) do
        local nearbyItem = finditemonground(itemId)
        if nearbyItem then
            -- Calculate random offsets for target coordinates
            local offsetX, offsetY = getRandomOffset(), getRandomOffset()

            -- Calculate the target position
            local targetX, targetY, targetZ = posx() + offsetX, posy() + offsetY, posz()

            -- Move the item to the target position
            if ground(targetX, targetY, targetZ) == 1 then
                moveitem(itemId, targetX, targetY, targetZ)

    -- Adjust the probability of moving an item by changing the range of the random value
    if math.random(1, 100) <= 50 then 
        wait(1000, 10000)

But this isn't working.
I'm sure you know what I mean and can come up with something brilliant again.

Best would be if i sometimes quickly throw something when walking past that specific item


Try something like this.
This script will randomly work (50% chance on every run), it will check if the top item of tiles around is listed and move it on some random place.
local ITEMS_IDS = {3294, 2853, 3049}

if math.random(1, 100) <= 50 and connected() then
    local playerX, playerY, playerZ = posx(), posy(), posz()
    local tiles = gettiles()
    for _, tile in ipairs(tiles) do
        if math.abs(tile.posx - playerX) <= 1 and math.abs(tile.posy - playerY) <= 1 and tile.posz == playerZ and table.find(ITEMS_IDS, tile.topitem.id) ~= nil then
            moveitems(tile.topitem.id, ground(tile.posx + math.random(-3, 3), tile.posy + math.random(-3, 3), tile.posz), ground(tile.posx, tile.posy, tile.posz))

Works, thanks

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