Everyone who has never used Kasteria OTBot before, can test it for 2 days without any limitation for FREE.
The trial is given automatically when you login on Kasteria OTBot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons).
If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
Kasteria OTBot also works on Kasteria, Tibijka.net, Ramonia, Dura-Online, Shadow-Illusion.com, Tibia74.org, Elderan.online, Elderan.us, Askara.net, Kingdom-Swap.com, Trapera.net, Faloria.online, Eloth.online, ExtremeOT.com.br, Ardera.org, Kifferia.com, Realesta74.net, Realera.org, Horizon-Ot.com, PhantomOld.com, TibiaScape.com, Tibia-Old.com, LikeRetro.com, Imperianic.com, Souls of Elysium (soerpg.com), TempesTibia.com.br, TibiaSwap, Ramonera.net, Midhem.com and Nostalrius.com.br! But you MUST check which client versions this version of Kasteria OTBot works with, as each version of Kasteria OTBot works with specific versions of game clients. If you can't find the client version you are using in system requirements, then send me a private message asking about it.
If Bot isn't clicking when you have your mouse on the screen then enable Options -> Input protection during action.
Check out the full change log below.
Changelog (1.1.1-3):
Changelog (1.1.1-2):
Changelog (1.1.1-1):
Changelog (1.1.1):
Automate startup example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kasteria OTBot\Kasteria OTBot.exe" -c "C:\OTClient\clientname.exe" -s "C:\Scripts\scriptname.xml"
More Startup options:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kasteria OTBot\Kasteria OTBot.exe" -rwnames -winprot -cmd
Compatible with the following game-clients:
System Requirements:
Everyone who has never used Kasteria OTBot before, can test it for 2 days without any limitation for FREE.
The trial is given automatically when you login on Kasteria OTBot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons).
If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
Kasteria OTBot also works on Kasteria, Tibijka.net, Ramonia, Dura-Online, Shadow-Illusion.com, Tibia74.org, Elderan.online, Elderan.us, Askara.net, Kingdom-Swap.com, Trapera.net, Faloria.online, Eloth.online, ExtremeOT.com.br, Ardera.org, Kifferia.com, Realesta74.net, Realera.org, Horizon-Ot.com, PhantomOld.com, TibiaScape.com, Tibia-Old.com, LikeRetro.com, Imperianic.com, Souls of Elysium (soerpg.com), TempesTibia.com.br, TibiaSwap, Ramonera.net, Midhem.com and Nostalrius.com.br! But you MUST check which client versions this version of Kasteria OTBot works with, as each version of Kasteria OTBot works with specific versions of game clients. If you can't find the client version you are using in system requirements, then send me a private message asking about it.
If Bot isn't clicking when you have your mouse on the screen then enable Options -> Input protection during action.
Check out the full change log below.
Changelog (1.1.1-3):
- Fixed Alerts -> VIP Online;
- Fixed LUA -> getviplist();
Changelog (1.1.1-2):
- Fixed Looter -> Using Client Autoloot option on Nostalrius;
Changelog (1.1.1-1):
- Improved mouse-click speed on Mouse Speed Instantaneously;
- Added Magic Fragment to Tools -> Refill Ammo on Elderan.online;
- Fixed Bot's tabs not showing up if you close game-client and Bot is minimized;
Changelog (1.1.1):
- Added compatibility with Nostalrius.com.br-> game-client AVAILABLE on 2023-01-09 22:12 PM (GMT);
Automate startup example:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kasteria OTBot\Kasteria OTBot.exe" -c "C:\OTClient\clientname.exe" -s "C:\Scripts\scriptname.xml"
- -c = Client directory that Bot will open and automatic select.
- -s = Script that it will load and start automatically.
More Startup options:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kasteria OTBot\Kasteria OTBot.exe" -rwnames -winprot -cmd
- -rwnames = Enable random names on Bot windows. (I recommend you to use -rwnames and -winprot)
- -winprot = Enable some protection on Bot windows. (I recommend you to use -rwnames and -winprot)
- -cmd = Allow LUA->cmd(string command) to run commands.
- -disrwnames = Disable random captions on Bot windows.
- -taskbar = Let bot window be shown in Windows Taskbar.
- -inputprot = enables input protection.
- -distaskbar = Hide bot window from Windows Taskbar.
- -diswinprot = Disable Window Protection, so you can see it using remote access software.
- -pausehk "hotkeys" = Setup Pause Bot hotkey. Example: -pausehk "CTRL+F1"
- -showhk "hotkeys" = Setup Show Bot hotkey. Example: -showhk "CTRL+F2"
- -dancerhk "hotkeys" = Setup Dancer hotkey. Example: -dancerhk "CTRL+F3"
- -customspellrunes "xmlPath" = Loads a .xml file that contains custom runes and spells. Example: -customspellrunes "C:\Bots\custom_spells_runes.xml"
Compatible with the following game-clients:
- Kasteria -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-07-15 15:54 PM (GMT).
- Askara.net -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-06-17 22:22 PM (GMT).
- Elderan.us & Eldera.online -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-08-27 23:37 PM (GMT).
- Ramonia.pl -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-06-15 18:36 PM (GMT).
- Dura-Online.com -- game-client version 5.1 AVAILABLE on 2022-01-02 17:00 PM (GMT).
- Shadow-Illusion.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-10-28 01:21 AM (GMT).
- Trapera.net -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-01-02 19:37 PM (GMT).
- Kingdom-Swap.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-09-30 14:06 PM (GMT).
- Faloria.online -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-09-28 15:16 PM (GMT).
- Eloth.online -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-03-03 14:09 PM (GMT).
- ExtremeOT.com.br -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-03-03 14:09 PM (GMT).
- Ardera.org -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-06-19 20:10 PM (GMT).
- Kifferia.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-04-19 17:29 PM (GMT).
- Realesta74.net -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-09-28 15:16 PM (GMT).
- Realera.org -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-11-28 02:38 AM (GMT).
- Horizon-Ot.com (New Horizon) -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-06-15 18:36 PM (GMT).
- PhantomOld.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-06-15 18:36 PM (GMT).
- TibiaScape.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-12-01 22:34 PM (GMT).
- Tibia-Old.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-07-07 21:35 PM (GMT).
- LikeRetro.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-08-29 03:39 AM (GMT).
- Imperianic.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-11-23 22:11 PM (GMT).
- Nostalther (Violet - vlt.nostalther.com) OTClient -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-09-10 16:27 PM (GMT).
- Castabra.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-09-18 17:34 PM (GMT).
- Tibiabra.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-10-04 21:11 PM (GMT).
- Retro-Tibia.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-10-21 23:41 PM (GMT).
- TibiaSwap.com -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-10-21 23:41 PM (GMT).
- TempesTibia.com.br -- game-client version AVAILABLE on 2022-10-26 22:34 PM (GMT).
- Souls of Elysium (soerpg.com) -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-11-30 18:33 PM (GMT). Use it in Classic View (On Game-client, click on Options -> Interface -> Classic View must be "checked"):
- Ramonera (ramonera.net) -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-11-12 17:04 PM (GMT).
- Midhem.com -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2022-12-16 03:38 AM (GMT);
- Nostalrius.com.br -- game-client AVAILABLE on 2023-01-09 22:12 PM (GMT);
System Requirements:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 (
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 RC (x86) (