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1- I need help with two things, I'm not able to create an action to drop items from monsters in a specific square in the basement and I would like this to be done when the cap is low! 

2- and also what order should these actions be placed, if at the beginning before I mark the basement rotation or at the end?

3- I have to create an action for it to check that if it has a cap it starts the cave rotation waypoint? What would that be like? an action? what is the command

Does anyone have a video demonstrating it?

4- And if possible, can someone explain to me how to check the gold and go for it too...

Do I have to schedule the rotation of the basement and then schedule the trip to the depot and everything back together?

Where do I make the separation to check the gold and deposit it and if I don't have a full cap, continue the rotation..

and what are this command


Most of your questions already been answered many times on forums and you can easily find such scripts like this sticky thread on LUA Scripts section:
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1. dropitems() function drops items and cap() returns your capacity, so you just need to combine both. However you can use Action to check your capacity and Drop waypoint to drop items, if your capacity is high then skip the drop using gotolabel().
local items = { 'mace', 'sword' }
if cap() <= 100 then
    dropitems(ground(x, y, z), table.unpack(items))

2. That's up to you. Action waypoint doesn't walks or reaches the location, it just runs the LUA script. It doesn't even care about the location, except if you use some code to check it ofc.
People usually create an waypoint to check capacity then go to waypoint to reach location and drop. otherwise, it just skips to next wpt.
000 Action (check_cap)
001 Drop
002 Node (walk_to_respawn)

if cap() > 100 then

3. You can check all LUA functions here:
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cap() [number] returns your current capacity.

4. That depends on server you are playing, because itemcount() can return the amount of item that's visible (on open containers), but would that be enough for you?
itemcount(string/number item, optional string location name, optional boolean countEquipments) [number]: Represent the amount of defined items found on opened containers.
local goldCountOnAllContainers = itemcount('gold coin')
local goldCountOnBlueBackpack = itemcount('gold coin', 'blue backpack')
Check first link i wrote, because it have some nice scripts.

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