Everyone who has never used our Bots before, can test each one for 2 days without any limitation.
The trial is given automatically when you login on the Bot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons).
If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
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Login after x amout of time

I've tried to serach, but can't find any so if u know about it please link.

I need a lua scripts that log in on a specific character after a x amout of timne then unpause bot so it starts working. For example login account x after 3 hours and unpause which makes the bot start skilling on other character.

Thanks in advance.


You could use Tools -> Auto Reconnect, but it doesn't works when Bot is paused.

I believe those scripts should work, you just need to use one of them... It will let you offline for 3 to 3.5 (3 and a half) hours then reconnect and unpause bot.
You should use this on Persistents and MUST DISABLE "Pause on Pause Bot" for the persistent that will run the script below.

This script will reconnect on the last character that you were logged in using Bot.
local OFFLINE_TIME = { Min = 10800, Max = 12600 } -- In seconds.

if connected() then
   LAST_TIME = nil
elseif LAST_TIME == nil then
   LAST_TIME = runningtime()
elseif (runningtime() - LAST_TIME) >= OFFLINE_TIME then
   wait(500, 800)
   if connected() and isbotpaused() then

This script will connect any character you choose, but you would need to provide your credentials. So be careful to don't share this script with your credentials!
local OFFLINE_TIME = { Min = 10800, Max = 12600 } -- In seconds.
local CONFIG = { Acc = '12345', Password = 'mypass', Character = 'Character Name'}

if connected() then
   LAST_TIME = nil
elseif LAST_TIME == nil then
   LAST_TIME = runningtime()
elseif (runningtime() - LAST_TIME) >= OFFLINE_TIME then
   connect(CONFIG.Acc, CONFIG.Password, CONFIG.Character)
   wait(500, 800)
   if connected() and isbotpaused() then

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