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Loot Rare-Epic-Legendary-Ancient
exactly how it sounds i want to request a script that when looting a body it will check for Loot Rare-Epic-Legendary-Ancient in the body and loot it reguardless if i have the item in the looter tab, i've tried putting the name Rare Mace cause the id was the same its like 3368 but it didn't work


You can't add/remove items from Looter using LUA Script neither change how Looter works internally, like custom behavior.

I don't believe that 3368 is rare mace id... If you have two items of same kind like a common mace and a rare mace OR rare and epic, etc. Then you can find out its IDs moving them to your belt slot and running this code:

I MAY BE WRONG, but I believe that common, rare, epic, legendary, ancient items shares the same item id, however they can have a custom attributes or something then that attribute is what differentiates the "rarity" of these items.
So I believe if you add a mace to Looter, it will loot all maces: common, legendary, etc.

At the moment it won't be possible to do such thing, because bot doesn't have the skills to make this distinction. I don't play this server, so I don't have access to these items (different "rarities").

thats fine ok so when a rare drops it says "rarity" over the corpse is there a way the bot can make a alarm or sound when this happens ?


I think this is gonna work.
local texts = getstatictexts()
for _, text in ipairs(texts) do
  if text.message == 'Rarity' and text.mode == 35 and text.color == 151 then


local texts = getstatictexts()
for _, text in ipairs(texts) do
  if text.message == 'Rarity' and text.mode == 35 then


local texts = getstatictexts()
for _, text in ipairs(texts) do
  if text.message == 'Rarity' and text.sender == name() then

20:59:40 - LUA Script -> Rarity02: 4: attempt to call global 'plaaysound' (a nil value) for the 3rd one this is what it does the first 2 didn't do anything.

so there was a double a in play so i changed it will luk if it works

so the 3rd one worked is there anyway i can have it beep 1 time instead of multiple times and is there a way i can make the sound quietier like holy shit it scared me its fine if i can't just figured i'd ask.


Yeah, my bad... I just fixed it as well.

The beep will play every time that scripts runs and found the text. So the number of times it will ring depends on the speed at which the message disappears and the persistent interval.
You can add a 3s delay after flashclient(), which i believe is enough to the text disappear.
local texts = getstatictexts()
for _, text in ipairs(texts) do
  if text.message == 'Rarity' and text.sender == name() then

You can't change the volume, perhaps a good suggestion for future release.
You can try to lower the volume on windows volume mixer.

hey so i tried using this on tibiascape and it no longer seems to do the alarm idk if they changed how the "Rarity" appears but i noticed it had a ! in it i changed that and still couldn't get it to work

ok so i copy and pasted it again and i got it to work

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