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Move UH from LHand to Backpack
Windows 11

I am using the Runemaker, but sometimes the Ultimate Healing Rune does not move back into my backpack. This is an issue if it occurs at the last UH rune, because it means it will deposit a UH backpack with 19 runes and 1 left in my left hand.

I am not sure if it's a bug, but because someone else wrote a post about issues with back(), it might be related. Or perhaps i'm just doing something wrong.

I wrote this script, and it keeps saying there is 0 UH rune in my left hand, even though there is.

-- Define the ID of the Ultimate Healing Rune and the Golden Backpack
local UH_Rune_ID = 3160
local Golden_BP_ID = 2867
local Hand = 'lhand'

-- Check if the Ultimate Healing Rune is in the left hand
local uh_count = itemcount(UH_Rune_ID, Hand)
print("Ultimate Healing Rune count in " .. Hand .. ": " .. uh_count)

if uh_count > 0 then
    -- Find the first available slot in the Golden Backpack
    local slot = finditem(Golden_BP_ID, 0)
    print("Golden Backpack slot: " .. slot)
    if slot == 0 then
        print("Golden Backpack not found.")
    -- Move the Ultimate Healing Rune to the first available slot in the Golden Backpack
    local move_count = moveitems(UH_Rune_ID, Golden_BP_ID, Hand)
    print("Move count: " .. move_count)


itemcount(UH_Rune_ID, Hand) doesn't works for inventory, only containers. You should use lhand(), rhand() or getequipment(string slot) to get information from inventory slots.
So this line "local uh_count = itemcount(UH_Rune_ID, Hand)" will not work.

moveitems doesn't returns a count (number), but boolean.
So this line "local move_count = moveitems(UH_Rune_ID, Golden_BP_ID, Hand)" will return true/false.

finditem doesn't exists on Bot, unless you have developed it yourself.
So this line "local slot = finditem(Golden_BP_ID, 0)" will not work.

About Runemaker, it already tries to move rune back to container about 5 times.

I may kindly ask you to follow "How to Report a Bug" guidelines in the next time:
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Because it is necessary information to avoid errors and time losses, for example: what if this error happened only with a specific option activated? e.g.: Options -> Use Packets. I could spend a lot of time looking in the wrong place or trying to reproduce the error without success.

Finally, you can use this code to achieve this. This script will check if you have UH on left hand then wait 2 seconds. If it stills on hand after 2 second then force move to golden bp.
-- Define the ID of the Ultimate Healing Rune and the Golden Backpack
local UH_Rune_ID = 3160
local Golden_BP_ID = 2867
local Hand = 'lhand'
local Delay = 2000 -- In milliseconds. Delay to make sure it's really stuck.

local leftHandItem = lhand()
if leftHandItem.id == UH_Rune_ID then
    if not RUNE_STUCK then
    leftHandItem = lhand()
    if leftHandItem.id == UH_Rune_ID then
        moveitems(UH_Rune_ID, Golden_BP_ID, Hand)
        wait(300, 500)
        RUNE_STUCK = true
elseif RUNE_STUCK then
    RUNE_STUCK = nil

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