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Realesta OTBot detailed!
1. Alerts
Alerts works to warn you or get your char secured by pausing bot or loging off whanever the event setted happens.

  • Player on Screen: Check for players on your screen.
  • Monster on Screen: Check for monsters on your screen.
  • Health below (%): Check if your health percent is below than that.
  • Moved: Check if your character's location changed (X, Y or Z).
  • Mana below (%): Check if your mana percent is below than that.
  • GM Detected: Check for GMs or CMs on your screen, also for it's messages. Invisible GM's cannot be detected because realesta's SERVER doesn't gives information to Realesta client about INVISIBLE creatures (Stalkers, GMs, etc.)
  • Disconnected: Check if your character is disconnected.
  • Private Message: Check if you received a private message.
  • Player Attack: Check if any player is attacking you.
  • Cap. below: Check if your cap is below than that.
  • Stand Time above: Check if your character is standing at the same location for more than that time, IN SECONDS.
  • PK on Screen: Check if any there's pk on your screen.
  • Select Chat Msg: Check if you received a message on default channel.
  • Items on Screen: Check if there's a specific item on your screen.
  • VIP Online: Check if a person in your vip list is online.
General Safe List
Add a creature name here so the bot will ignore it on the following alerts: "Player on Screen", "Monster on Screen", "Player Attack", "Private Message", "Select Chat Msg", "PK on Screen" and "GM Detected". Notice that such alerts also have its own private safe list that are useds only for those specific alerts.

  • Logout Instead XLog
    By default, when you select "X-Log" on any alert, Bot will try to logout and then close the client.
    Enabling this option, it will try logout only.
  • On Screen Multifloor
    By default, Realesta OTBot only check for creatures on the same floor than your character.Enabling this option, it will also check for creatures on different floors.
  • Floor Diference
    If you enabled "On Screen Multifloor" then you need to select which floors (based on your current floor) differences you may wanna check for creatures.
  • On Screen Visible
    Sometimes Realesta client retrieves creatures information's that are one (1) SQM away/out of character's screen/vision.Enabling this option, Realesta OTBot will consider only creatures that appears on your screen.
  • Ignore spell on Default
    If enabled and Default channel, Select Chat Msg will ignore spell messages.
  • Log on File
    When Realesta OTBot triggers one of those alerts: "Player on Screen", "Player Attack", "Monster on Screen", PK on Screen" and "GM Detected", it will also write a log on Realesta OTBot's folder/logs about this alert.
  • Log on Console
    Exactly the same than Log on File, but will write on Console tab.

  • Play Sound: Bot will play a specific sound according alart triggered. Sounds can be found on Realesta OTBot's folder/sounds.
  • Flash: Bot will make realesta client flash (blink).
  • X-Log: Bot will try to logout and then close the client.
  • Pause Bot: If not paused already, Bot will be paused.
  • Enable Cavebot: If cavebot IS DISABLED, this will enable and go to label "alert_(NAME)". It can be: "alert_disconnected", "alert_playerattack", "alert_pk", "alert_playeronscreen", "alert_monsteronscreen", "alert_healthbelow", "alert_moved", "alert_manabelow", "alert_gmdetected", "alert_capbelow", "alert_stuck", "alert_itemonscreen", "alert_viponline". Example: If Player On Screen, it will enable cavebot and go to label "alert_playeronscreen", if label not found, it will go to first waypoint.

2. Healer
Healer is the responsible for healing your character. It's configured based on healing rules. You can either use instant spells, runes or fluids.
  • Enabled
    Enable/disable Healer.

  • Open next BP for more supply
    Enabling this option will let Realesta OTBot searches for more runes. Realesta OTBot will keep trying to open next container (backpack, bag, ...) on the same window that he used this last rune until it finds an item that matches the last rune/fluid you used or don't find more backpacks.
  • Smart Check
    By default, Realesta OTBot check each healing rule from top to bottom (positions on table). The first one will have priority over the others below it and so on, in other words, the first spell will be casted first than the second if it reaches the requeriments for it.
    Enabling this option will let Realesta OTBot do some "smart check" and check from lowest to highest conditions.
    You have two healing rules. 1st -> 80% to 85% = Light Healing and 2nd -> 40% to 41% = Ultimate Healing Rune. Enabling this option, it will check the 2nd rule first, because it has lowests conditions (40% and 41%) and then the 1st healing rule.
    You have three healing rules. 1st -> 40% to 41% = Ultimate Healing Rune; 2nd -> 90% to 95% = Light Healing; 3rd -> 80% to 85% = Intense Healing. Note that it's positions are different than the first example, the rules are not following some kind of "priority list". Enabling this option, it will check the 1st rule first, because it has lowests conditions (40% and 41%), then the 3rd healing rule and finally the 2nd healing rule.
  • Spell: You can chose any healing spell, rune or fluid.
  • Condition: You can set the condition to the spell be casted.
    • Health Below: The spell will be casted if your health is below x.
    • Health Percent Below: The spell will be casted if your health percent is below x.
    • Mana Below: The spell will be casted if your mana is below x.
    • Mana Percent Below: The spell will be casted if your mana percent is below x.

      Note: X is a random number. If you set Health Below 300 to 500 means that the spell can be casted below any value between 300 or 500 health points.
      So be careful, if you setup 1 to 40%, Realesta OTBot could choose 3% and only would heal if your HP is under 3%.
  • Extra Condition:
    • Up to...: The spell will be casted until your health is up to x.
    • If paralyzed: The spell will be casted only if you are paralyzed.
    • If poisoned: The spell will be casted only if you are poisoned.
  • Spam Rate: The delay that will force Realesta OTBot to wait after casting this spell.

  • Enabled: Disable/enable single rule.
    If your rule color is BLACK means that it's ENABLED. If it's RED means that is DISABLED.
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3. Hotkeys
Hotkeys are actions that are triggered when you press a certain key on your keyboard.
  • Enabled: Enable/disable the hotkeys system.
Hotkey Settings
  • Hotkey: The key(s) that will trigger the action.
  • Type: The action itself.
    • Use item on yourself: Use an item on yourself.
    • Use item on target: Use an item on target (red-square).
    • Use with crosshairs: Use an item and let cross-hair so you can use/shoot on any place.
    • Use item: Use an item. If it requires a target, it will let cross-hair so you can use/shoot on any place.
    • Equip item: Equip an item on specific inventory slot.
    • Unequip item: Unequip any item on specific inventory slot.
    • Anti-Push: Throw some gold, flask and arrows on your feet.
    • Lua Script: Run a lua script.
    • Use item on mouse pos.: Use an specific item located on your containers on the location that your mouse cursor is standing at.
    • Move item on mouse pos.: Move an specific item located on your containers on the location that your mouse cursor is standing at.
  • Item Id: Item to do the action with, when the action requires a specific item.
  • Location: Item's location to do the action with, when the action requires a specific location.

4. Cavebot
Is the part responsible for handling the auto-walking.
It can walks using Keystrokes (arrow keys) and map-clicks/screen-clicks. If it's an unknown area for Realesta OTBot, it WILL be forced to walk using map-clicks and screen-clicks. So also remove your map marks.
Once Realesta OTBot recognizes and read those maps, the next time that it needs to walk there, it will be done using arrow keys.

Here you can enable, disable the cavebot and also configure some options.
  • Enabled: Enable/disable the cavebot.
  • Node Range: Is the range around the waypoint that your character will consider for walking on Node waypoints.
  • Walkable IDs: Items to be ignore on cavebot while walking. Bot will walk over them. Like parcels, boxes, fire fields and so on.
  • Map-clicks only: By default, Realesta OTBot walks by Map-clicks when it's unknown area and then by arrows-keys once Realesta OTBot know that areas. Enabling this option, Realesta OTBot will always walk using map-clicks/screen-clicks. Notice that it will consider and walk thru fields and such items once appears on your screen. So if such items didn't appeared on your screen yet after you open Realesta OTBot, it will not walk over them, but if it already appeared, it will walk thru fields and such things. It will also check SQMs on rope spots and such.
  • Special Areas: Realesta OTBot will consider such field ranges as NON walkable according the setup for Cavebot, Targeting or BOTH.
  • Fire/Poison/Energy avoidance: That defines the SQM's that contains fire/poison or energy fields walking cost. "1" considers like a normal ground, "0" considers like non-walkable. Basically, the higher the value will make Realesta OTBot will avoid walking in these SQMs.
  • LUA Setup: Script that will run ONCE after that you edit it on all tools that runs LUA scripts. So this script will be run on ALL Persistents, Hotkeys and Cavebot... It's not recommended to run functions here, unless you really want to run this function once on all tools.

Used to create your walking path.
  • Stand: Cavebot will try walk to this position and it won't skip to the next waypoint until it has reached this exact position or different Z position.
  • Node: Cavebot will try to walk near this position. If for any reason, Realesta OTBot stops to do any other action (such like targeting a monster), it will skip to next waypoint if you are X distance from this waypoint or different Z position. You can specify the Node range (defaults to 1) in Cavebot → Settings → Node Range.
  • Use: Will use the top item of that sqm.
  • Shovel: Used to open any kind of hole with shovel.
  • Rope: Used to rope your character in any rope spot..
  • Ladder: Will try to use the ladder on that sqm.
  • Drop: Used to drop specific items on that sqm.
  • Pick: Used to open with pick.
  • Action: Cavebot will execute the LUA script. It doesn't cares about waypoint information to execute it, it means that doesn't matter where it has been created, because it doesn't walk to the position. Used to add certain cavebot scripts, like talking to npc, supply checker, location checkers...
  • Lure: Lure sqm that will work with the targeting.
Note: Before using a Rope, Shovel, Pick or Ladder, always create a Stand waypoint adjacent to that location, so you will make sure that your character isn't over/on rope spot, etc.

5. Looter
Used for making looting lists, which items to pick from each corpose.

Here you can enable, disable the cavebot and also configure some options.
  • Enabled: Enable/disable the cavebot.
  • Condition: Bot will only loot creatures that fills the selected condition.
    • Loot targeteds only: Bot will loot only creatures that has been attackeds by Targeting.
    • Loot all targets: Bot will loot all creatures that has an entry on Targeting.
    • Loot all dead monsters: Bot will loot all dead creatures.
    • Loot all open containers: Bot will loot all open containers, but it will not open dead bodies.
  • Eaf food from dead corpses: Allow bot to eat food from dead bodies.
  • Open bext BP: If one of the bps get full, will opened the first container inside it.
  • Safe Loot: Bot will loot only using CTRL+Click and then click on context menu "Open".
  • Don't open bags: Should bot open bags inside dead corpses?.
  • Style:
    • After melee kill: Bot will loot the monster right after killing it.
    • After all dead: Bot will only loot the monsters after all dead.
  • Max. body dist.: The distance between you and the corpose so it can be opened and looted.
  • Move delay.: The delay after moving an item from corpse to the destination.
  • Name: Name of your item
  • Item Id: If the item you want to add is on Realesta OTBot's database the ID will be setted automatically.
  • Destination: You can write a backpack name ('red backpack'), container window name ('backpack'), container index (0, 1, 2...) or 'empty' to any empty container.
  • Action: What to do with the item.
  • Alarm: Play an alarm sound on specific situations after trying to loot an item.
    • No alarm: Do nothing.
    • Couldn't loot: If failed to loot this item.
    • Looted: Successfully looted.
    • Dropped: Dropped on floor.
    • Dropped: Looted or Dropped.
  • Drop if no cap: Bot will drop this item on ground if no cap to loot it.

6. Targeting
Is the part responsible for automatically attack creatures. You can set a different rule for each creature according to your needs.

  • Enabled: Enable/disable the targeting.
  • Attack next while looting: Bot will attack next creature while looting previous one.
  • Open next BP for more runes: Enabling this option will let Realesta OTBot searches for more runes. Realesta OTBot will keep trying to open next container (backpack, bag, ...) on the same window that he used this last rune until it finds an item that matches the last rune/fluid you used or don't find more backpacks.
  • Attack range: It will only attack a creatures if it's X range from you. 0 = unlimited.
  • Rune range: If you choose to shoot a rune on Creature, it will only shoot if it's X range from you. 0 = unlimited.

  • Name: Name of your the creature. You can also use "All" to attack all creatures.
  • Category: Set a category for this creature. If you setup a category, you MUST create an monster entry for the category. Example: If you set a category called "A", you need to create an entry called "Category A". It's "Category " + category name.
  • Count: Set a minimum amount required to attack this creature.
  • Don't Loot: If checked will not loot this creature.
  • Play Alarm: If creatures is being targeted will play a sound.

  • Settings: The settings are based on the monster HP Range and Count. Example: You can use the Setting 1 for rules if the target has 40 to 100% and Setting 2 for rules if the target has 0 to 40%.
  • HP Range: HP Range of the creature to execute the actions setted.
  • Danger: Danger Level of the creature, will be considered on Targeting -> Targeting Priority > Danger.
  • Stance: Used to set how your character will walk (or not if you leave it as No Movement).
    • Approach: Will reach the creature and stay on its diagonal.
    • Circle: Will keep walking around it on circle movement.
    • Reach: Will reach the creature. Doesn't matter if you are facing it or on diagonal.
    • Strike: Will reach and stay in front of the creature.
    • Keep Away: Will attack the creature running.
    • Keep Away Wait: Will wait the creature reaches the minimum distance setted between you and it and then start running again.
    • Lure: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and attack it standing there.
    • Lure & Approach: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Approach movement.
    • Lure & Circle: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Circle movement.
    • Lure & Reach: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Reach movement.
    • Lure & Strike: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Strike movement.
    • Lure & Keep Away: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Keep Away movement.
    • Lure & Keep Away Wait: Will lure the creature to the luring spot setted on cavebot and then attack it walking around the creature on Keep Away Wait movement.
  • Avoid: Used to avoid some monsters attacks.
    • Avoid Beam: Used to stay out of beam spells. Will avoid facing the creature.
    • Avoid Wave: Used with Distance Stances, will stay out of waves range.
  • Distance: Set the distance between you and the creature for distance stances.
  • Attack Mode: Chose your attack mode. For a better performance only use Chase mode with no stances setted (No Movement). If you are using Stances, use Stand Mode.
  • Spells: Choose a spell or rune to shoot on creature.
  • Spam Rate: Set the spam rate to try to cast each spell when you are able to it.
  • Only if trapped: It will ONLY attack this creature if you are trapped while trying to reach a waypoint. Requires cavebot enabled.
  • Must attack me: It will ONLY attack this creature if it attacked you previously.

Targeting Priority
The Targeting Priority is a priority list that defines the order that Targeting will check each criteria to find the best Target to attack. The criteria's order is defined by its values (on Targeting->Targeting Priority) from HIGHEST value to LOWER. If there's a tie on a specific criteria between two or more creatures, it will go to the next criteria until only one is left and this one will be the Target.
  • Danger: Will priorize creatures with higher Danger Level. Danger level is setted on creatures settings on the targeting list.
  • Proximity: Will priorize creatures closer to you.
  • Health: Will priorize creatures with low health.
  • Stick: Make the targeting system stick to your current creature. This option is very sensitive.
  • List: Will priorize creatures by its position on battle.
  • Must be Reachable: Will only attack the creature if your character can reach it.
  • Must be Shootable: Will only attack the creature if your character can shoot on it.

Example using default values, the criteria order would be: Danger->Stick->Proximity->Health->List.
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Remember that Targeting->Targeting Priority works for all monsters that's on your Targeting list, that will be applied to EACH monster, doesn't matter if it's the same kind of monster.
Example: Health, it will focus the monster with lower hp. If you have two dwarf guards, it will focus the one with lowest health. If both have the exactly same Hp, it will go to the next criteria.

7. Runemaker
Is the part responsible for making runes.
  • Enabled: Enable/disable the cavebot.
  • Rune: The rune that you wanna make.
  • Mana and Mana Condition: Mana above or mana percent above. Bot will try to make the rune if your mana is higher/above x.
  • Hand: Which hand should Realesta OTBot move the blank runes to.
  • No blank: What to do when got no more blank runes?
    • Do nothing: Bot will do nothing.
    • Keep playing alert: Bot will play an alert.
    • Logout: Bot will try to logout.
    • Force logout: Bot will try to logout and then close the client.
    • Enable Cavebot: Bot will enable the cavebot, if not enabled already and go to label "runemaker_noblanks" if exists..
    • Open next backpack: Will open the first container inside the blanks container.
    • Disable reconnect and logout: Exactly like Logout, but will also disable Tools->Reconnect.
Refill Settings
This is an advanced setup to make your character go inside your house and pickup blank runes, go inside your house and pickup food, go inside your house and drop runes and also go to a safe place when danger is detected.

It's developed to make runes avoiding to die, losing your stuff or runes.
You don't need to enable everything. For example. you can enable "On Danger" only just to avoid PKs and such dangers.

It checks everything before and after making a RUNE and also every 1 minute.

If for some reason, let's say food, it goes inside the house to pickup more, it will also check and refill your blank runes and drop made runes. Also if it goes inside for blank runes, it will also check refill food and drop made runes. Also DANGER will checked and will force to check things.
  • Character: Location that you want to make runes and that Realesta OTBot must walk back, if it go out for runes or food. It will pickup to inside your main backpack, so you should have a main bp open where it should place it.
  • Rune SQM: Location to drop made runes. It you enable it, it will go there if you got equal or higher of "Max. Runes" value, it will drop any made runes. It will pickup to inside your main backpack, so you should have a main bp open where it should place it.
  • Food SQM: Location to pickup food. It you enable it, it will go there if you no more food and will pickup "Food Max. Pick" value. It will pickup to inside your main backpack, so you should have a main bp open where it should place it.
  • Blank Rune: Location to pickup blank runes. It you enable it, it will go there if you got value equal or less of "Min. Runes" value.
  • On Danger: Location to go if there's danger detected.
  • Dangers types:
    • PK on Screen: Will trigger if a PK appears to your screen. It shares the Alert's safelist! So if you need to add a player to the safe list, you must add it on Alerts.
    • Monster on Screen: Will trigger if a monster appears to your screen. It shares the Alert's safelist! So if you need to add a player to the safe list, you must add it on Alerts.
    • Player on Screen: Will trigger if a player appears to your screen. It shares the Alert's safelist! So if you need to add a player to the safe list, you must add it on Alerts.
    • Attacked: Will trigger if someone attacks you. It shares the Alert's safelist! So if you need to add a player to the safe list, you must add it on Alerts.
  • Dangers extra-actions: Bot will perform this action after reaching the Danger SQM.
    • XLog: Bot will try to logout and then close the client.
    • Walk Back: Bot will wait sometime and then walk back to Character's SQM.
      • Wait time to walk back: How long Bot will wait to go back to Characters SQM.
    • Note: If you check both, after checking danger, if there's still danger it will XLog else it will walk back.
  • Use BPs of blank runes: If enabled, Bot will pickup bps with blank runes directly on floor and bot will drop bps of made runes on floor as well instead of runes units. It will pickup to inside your main backpack, so you should have a main bp open where it should place it.

8. Tools
  • Auto Fishing
    Bot will keep fishing until satisfy conditions.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the auto fishing tool.
    • Condition: The condition to fish.
      • Min. Capacity: Bot will fish only if your cap is higher than X.
      • Max. Amount: Bot will fish only if fish count is lower than X.
    • Detect Water: Automatically detect water.
    • Get Spots: If you don't wanna detect water automatically, you can shoose specific places to fish. Press this button, it will change to "Stop" then mouse cursor to the spot and press CTRL. After saving spots, press this button again.
    • Spots: Spots manually added that bot will try to fish on.
  • Mana Trainer
    If your mana is higher than condition, Bot will cast the selected spell.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the mana trainer tool.
    • Spell: Spell to cast.
    • Mana condition: Condition to cast this spell.
    • Mana: The specific value to check.
  • Auto Manashield
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the auto mana shield tool.
  • Auto Haste
    If not hasted, Bot will cast the selected spell.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the auto haste tool.
    • Spell: Spell to cast haste.
  • Auto Invisible
    If not invisible, Bot will cast Invisible spell ("Utana vid").
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the auto invisible tool.
  • Reconnect
    If your character disconnects, Bot will connect it again after waiting some time. You can also setup to open backpacks.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the reconnect tool.
    • Open Main Backpack: Bot will open your main backpack.
    • Open BPs on MainBP: Bot will open all backpacks inside your main backpack.
    • Wait time to Reconnect: The specific time to wait before reconnecting.
  • Slime Trainer
    Bot will automatically attack all slimes around you, except the mother.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the slime trainer tool.
    • Mother id: Setup the mother id, so Bot will not attack it.
    • Get Id: Follow (green-square) the Mother slime and press this button. Bot will get its id and write on "Mother Id" field.
    • Alert mother killed: Bot will play an alarm if mother slime has been killed.
  • Player/Monster Trainer
    Bot will automatically attack the monster/player with the specific name. It can also attack more than 1 monster with the same name.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the player/monster trainer tool.
    • Monster name: Bot will attack this player/monster.
    • Hp % to start: Bot will only attack the monster if Hp percent is higher or equal than that.
    • Hp % to stop: Bot will STOP attacking the monster if Hp percent is lower than that.
  • Ring Equipper
    Bot will automatically equip/unequip a specific ring on specific conditions.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the ring equipper tool.
    • Consider: What should bot consider?
      • Health: Bot will consider your health percent.
      • Mana: Bot will consider your mana percent.
      • Both: Bot will consider your health percent and mana percent.
      • None: Bot will check only if the ring is equipped.
    • % to equip: If not equipped yet, Bot will equip the ring when you reach this value or LOWER on selected condition.
    • % to unequip: If ring is equipped, Bot will unequip the ring when you reach this value or HIGHER on selected condition.
  • Pickup Items
    Bot will automatically pickup all items on specific SQM to a specific container. You can also setup it to open next backpack.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the pickup items tool.
    • Backpack: You can write a backpack name ('red backpack'), container window name ('backpack'), container index (0, 1, 2...).
    • Position: The loot's sqm position from your character.
    • Open next backpack: Will open the first container inside the destination container.
  • Pickup Weapon on Direction
    Bot will automatically pickup a specific weapon (spear) on a specific position when you get an amount or lower on selected hand.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the pickup weapon on direction tool.
    • Hand: The hand that Bot will check the amount and pickup to.
    • Position: The weapon's sqm position from your character.
    • Count: Bot will try to pickup when you get this amount or less in your hand.
  • Refill Ammo
    Bot will automatically pickup refills your ammo/arrow slot with the specific ammo.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the refill ammo tool.
    • Item: The specific item to refill.
    • Count: Bot will refill once you reach that amount or lower.
  • Heal Friend
    Bot will automatically cast spell or use item on friend when they reach specific health % or lower. You can also set to check all party members.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the heal friend tool.
    • List: The friend's list to check.
    • Health %: Health percent to heal friend.
    • Spell: Spell or rune that you wanna use on friend.
    • All party members: Bot will also check all your party members. Means that Bot will check list and party members.
  • Trade helper
    Bot will automatically say the specific text on trade every 2 minutes. Keep in mind that you must have trade channel open.
    • Enabled: Enable/disable the trade helper tool.
    • Text: Text to say on trade channel.
9. Persistents
Is the part responsible for handling scripts made in Lua. That means you can make customizable and powerful scripts to make the bot perform anything you want.
You can check all functions and variables on the following thread:
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  • Name: Name of the persistent.
  • Interval/Spam Rate: The interval between each execution.
  • Enabled: Enable/disable the persistent.

10. Menu->Options
  • Pause Bot: Will pause everything, except Alerts.
  • Hide character name: Hide the character's name on Realesta OTBotwindow.
  • Take SS on Xlog: Bot will take a screenshot and save it on Realesta OTBot's folder when any xlog functions be called.
  • Close bot with client: Bot will be closed when realesta client exits.
  • Display exp/hour: Bot will display the exp/hour on its window title.
  • Reset exp/hour: Resets the exp/hour.
  • Focus client: Bot will focus character's realesta client.
  • Minimize client: Bot will minimize character's realesta client.
  • Anti-Idle: Will make your character dance and back to the original position from time to time.
  • Eat Food: Will eat food from time to time.
  • Dancer: Will make your character start to dance until you disable it.
  • Full Light: Will edit your client's memory to make full light on it.
  • "Pause Bot" hotkey: Able to change the "Pause Bot" hotkey to any you wish.
  • "Show Bot" hotkey: Able to change the "Show Bot" hotkey to any you wish.
  • "Dancer" hotkey: Able to change the hotkey that enable/disable "Dancer" to any you wish.

11. Hotkeys
The game client or Bot must be focused.
  • Pause Bot: Pause break. Changeable on Options->"Pause Bot" hotkey.
  • Show/hide Bot: SHIFT+Scroll lock. Changeable on Options->"Show Bot" hotkey.
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