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Script If attacked
Please, i need script if my char get attacked, he go down ladder and go to pz < and after X time he back up the ladder and back to initial place. I tried use the walk in runemaker, but i cant make he down the ladder and go to pz and after back


First... I didn't tested any of the codes below. So watch out and test it!

There are many ways to achieve that... The easiest way is: Use Persistent + Cavebot to check and walk!

Persistent will check whenever a player is attacking you, make Cavebot go to specific waypoint and enable Cavebot.
Cavebot will walk to pz by following the path you created, wait the desired time and disable itself.
Persistent will run again and check that Cavebot is disabled and no players are attacking you, so it will make Cavebot go to specific waypoint to leave pz and enable Cavebot.
After walking back to pzone, Cavebot should disable itself again.

000 Stand (label: go_pz)
001 Stand
002 Stand
003 Action (make sure you create the Action on the very same location, because it will check if you are on that specific position)
if not islocation() then
    wait(1000 * 60 * 5) -- waits 5 minutes
    setsettings('Cavebot/Enabled', false) -- Disable cavebot
004 Stand (label: leave_pz)
005 Ladder
006 Stand
007 Action (make sure you create the Action on the very same location, because it will check if you are on that specific position)
if not islocation() then
    setsettings('Cavebot/Enabled', false) -- Disable cavebot

Persistent script:
local CONFIG = {
    GO_PZ_LABEL = 'go_pz',
    LEAVE_PZ_LABEL = 'leave_pz'

if IS_WALKING_PZ == nil then
    IS_WALKING_PZ = false

if connected() then
    local isSomePlayerAttacking = attackingme(2000, 'p') > 0
    if isSomePlayerAttacking and IS_WALKING_PZ == false then
        IS_WALKING_PZ = true
        if getsettings('Cavebot/Enabled') == false then
            setsettings('Cavebot/Enabled', true)
    elseif isSomePlayerAttacking == false and cavebotstatus() == false then
        IS_WALKING_PZ = false
        setsettings('Cavebot/Enabled', true)

There's another way using Persistents only, but you will need to place each location manually. So the persistent will try to walk on every location you setup.
local CONFIG = {
    TimeWalkBack = 300, -- In seconds. How long should wait on GO_PZ place before walking LEAVE_PZ?
    GO_PZ = { -- Locations to walk when player is attacking you.
        { X = 12345, Y = 12345, Z = 6, Use = false },
        { X = 12345, Y = 12345, Z = 6, Use = false }
    LEAVE_PZ = { -- Locations to walk when player is attacking you.
        { X = 12345, Y = 12345, Z = 6, Use = false },
        { X = 12345, Y = 12345, Z = 6, Use = true }

if CONFIG ~= nil and CONFIG.GO_PZ ~= nil and CONFIG.GO_PZ ~= nil and connected() then
    local isSomePlayerAttacking = attackingme(2000, 'p') > 0
    local player_x = posx()
    local player_y = posy()
    local player_z = posz()

    if walklocs == nil then
        function walklocs(locations, name)
            local result = true
            for _, loc in ipairs(locations) do
                result = false
                local flag = false
                local tries = 0
                while flag == false do
                    tries = tries + 1
                    if loc.Use then
                        flag = reachlocation(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, false, true)
                        if flag then
                            flag = useitem(0, ground(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z))
                        flag = reachlocation(loc.X, loc.Y, loc.Z, true, true)
                    if tries >= 3 then
                    elseif flag == false then
                        wait(200, 300)

                if not flag then
                    print('Failed to reach a location on: ' .. name .. ' -> ' .. loc)
                    result = true

            return result

    if isSomePlayerAttacking and (player_x ~= CONFIG.GO_PZ[#CONFIG.GO_PZ].X or player_y ~= CONFIG.GO_PZ[#CONFIG.GO_PZ].Y or player_z ~= CONFIG.GO_PZ[#CONFIG.GO_PZ].Z) then
        walklocs(CONFIG.GO_PZ, 'GO_PZ')
    elseif isSomePlayerAttacking == false and (player_x ~= CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ[#CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ].X or player_y ~= CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ[#CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ].Y or player_z ~= CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ[#CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ].Z) then
        walklocs(CONFIG.LEAVE_PZ, 'LEAVE_PZ')

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23:04:38 - LUA Script -> Persistent01: 11: global 'isattackingme' is not callable (a nil value)

I just fixed the script. Please, try again.

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