Everyone who has never used our Bots before, can test each one for 2 days without any limitation. The trial is given automatically when you login on the Bot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons). If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
We are looking for resellers who may accept payment methods different from ours, including classictibia's cash, realesta's cash, mastercores' cash, etc. Interested? Click here at anytime.
IgnoreList = {'PlayeTo Ignore', 'AnotherPlayer ToIgnore'} -- Player that CAN attack you.
MoveDirection = 'n' -- Directions can be: "n", "s", "e", "w", "nw", "ne", "sw" or "se"
WalkTimes = 3 -- How many sqm do you want to walk ?
-- Don't edit below
Attacker = pattacker()
if Attacker.name ~= '' and not table.find(IgnoreList, Attacker.name) then
for i = 1, WalkTimes do
Note that if you keep being attacked, you'll keep moving.
You could use Runemaker -> On Danger even if you are a knight, you would just need to setup a very high mana to make the rune, something that your character would never reach.
Alternatively, using the script that Bamado developed, I made it reach a specific position.
IgnoreList = {'PlayeTo Ignore', 'AnotherPlayer ToIgnore'} -- Player that CAN attack you.
MoveLocation = { X = 12345, Y = 12345, Z = 6 }
-- Don't edit below
Attacker = pattacker()
if Attacker.name ~= '' and not table.find(IgnoreList, Attacker.name) and (posx() ~= MoveLocation.X or posy() ~= MoveLocation.Y) then
reachlocation(MoveLocation.X, MoveLocation.Y, MoveLocation.Z, true)