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Stopping bedmage script when BP is suddenly moved/empty

The GM on the server I am playing has been strict on bedmaging lately. What he does is throwing away the rune BP/fish BP and see if the character still is logging in and out.

Since everything in the house should be the same at all time during the script I am wondering the following:
  • Is there anyway to alarm/turn off bot if the screen has changed? (BP's moved or items on top of BP's)
  • Is there anyway to increase the stochastic variations during some times of the day? Lets say a random break on 1h for example, without having to do it manually?
  • Is there anyway to keep count of fishes and alarm/turn off bot is suddenly 500 fish is gone in a matter of seconds?
  • Auto talk when GM is on the screen

I would really appriciate the help and I know others will aswell, anyother suggestions to stay safe bedmaging is also appriciated! 
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1. I've changed something that will PLAY_ALERT, IGNORE_CHARACTER or Talk if bp not found when it fails to open blanks/runes bp or food bp (which work if to the scripts here:
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Feel free to test and post a feedback.

2. Yes, you can create a LUA script to pause bot for a specific time or even logout and use Tools -> Auto Reconnect to reconnect after a while (there are options for that there!) and even a persistent that disables the bedmage persistent from time to time using setsettings(). Honestly, i believe the logout (you could logout or make your character goes afk for 15 min to be kicked) and auto reconnect approach is the best... But if you are using bedmage then simply use another persistent that runs every X hours and disable bedmage persistent for 1h then enable back.
setsettings('Persistents/Persisten_name_or_index/Enabled', false)
setsettings('Persistents/0/Enabled', false)
setsettings('Persistents/Bed Mage/Enabled', false)

local LOCATION = { X = 1234, Y = 1234, Z = 6 }
local DIFF_COUNT_ALERT = 15 -- The food difference between rounds to play alert.
local FOODS_IDS = { 1234, 1235, 5325 } -- Foods  is on a different Z position than bed, so just logouted.

local currentCount = nil
if connected() then
    currentCount = 0
    local tile = gettile(LOCATION.X, LOCATION.Y, LOCATION.Z)
    for _, item in ipairs(tile.items) do
        if table.find(FOODS_IDS, item.id) ~= nil then
            currentCount = currentCount + item.count

    if LAST_COUNT ~= nil and (LAST_COUNT - currentCount) >= DIFF_COUNT_ALERT then

LAST_COUNT = currentCount

4. You could use auto responder, but you if you wanna talk when detect gm then you need to find a way to detect GMs, like by its name when they show (doesn't works when invisible), etc. Here's one example:
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Thank you sir!

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