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Tibia scape Gold changer
The gold is called Mystic Shards on this server can I get an LUA to change it when I get 100?
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|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.alt="Smile" title="Smile" class="smilie smilie_1" />


You could use the script from this thread:
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But i've changed it, so you just need to change the id on script below. It will simple "Use" the MYSTIC_SHARD_ID item when there's a stack of 100 items.
local MYSTIC_SHARD_ID = 24026

if connected() then
    local containers = getcontainers()
    for _, container in ipairs(containers) do
        for __, item in ipairs(container.items) do
            if item.id == MYSTIC_SHARD_ID and item.count == 100 then
                useitemslot(item.index, container.index)
                wait(800, 1000)


You could use the script from this thread:
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But i've changed it, so you just need to change the id on script below. It will simple "Use" the MYSTIC_SHARD_ID item when there's a stack of 100 items.

So I copied the new id which is 24026, put it in copied an put it in the Console to an it says LUA command sent. Well it still doesn't work how do I activate it?

Did you had a stack with 100 mystic shards when you ran that on Console? Because running a script on Console just runs it once. If you wanna let it working then you must use on Persistents.
Notice the script will not stack, but only use a mystic shard stack when the stack has 100.

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Yeah Nah I didnt have 100 I started it fresh with none in my bp an still wont click them to convert

As I said running a script on Console just runs it once. If you wanna let it working then you must use on Persistents.

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