Everyone who has never used our Bots before, can test each one for 2 days without any limitation.
The trial is given automatically when you login on the Bot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons).
If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
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UH not working properly?
I use UH on auto healing but it seems slow AF and sometimes it dosen't even use the UH's.

What am i doing wrong?


That depends on many factors like:
1. Were you exhausted due to some spell or rune?
2. Were you trying to move your mouse or so while Bot is performing that action? Because you can easily override bot's input due to your mouse on game-client (this can be avoid with option Options -> Inputs protection during action)

Also, obviously, on your settings like:
1. Healer -> (Rule) -> Delay to heal;
2. Options -> Mouse Speed;

Feel free to record a GIF showing Bot healing to let us know what you consider "slow" and host on imgur.com. If you are afraid to leak any information on the GIF then send it to me by private message instead of including here. You can make GIFs using ShareX:
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