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Using bot to rebind keys
Hi there,
I was using the hotkeys system to rebind the movement of my character, so that I can easily type on the chat when I need without spamming skills.
But when I was testing the movement it was laggy/unresponsive, is that any solution for that?

Beyond that, I create an hotkey to use mana fluid on the hotkey, but if I keep it pressed it bugs and keeps using all the time(I guess the problem is that the hotkey when spammed sends too many actions, so the execution stacks "bugs"), is there a solution for that?


Well, it's possible to bind hotkeys to use LUA scripts to walk using move() function, but it may not work smooth as arrow-keys on client for example.

Yeah, it's pretty much as you said, it will "stack" because your keyboard keep sending "messages" telling that key has been pressed. Pretty much like when you are walk by HOLDING arrow-keys.
Unfortunately, the only solution is to not hold key. hehe
I will think about creating an option that you could setup a minimum delay.

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Yeah, I thought about the delay... Anyway, Im thinking into other solutions for my problem.

Thank you anyway.

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