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dropping loot problem
Im having trouble with your script that makes the bot dropping loot in the lootbp. Few items is the bot dropping but after it has moved few items the bot stops and just standing there. And somehow im also having problem with making the bot go down hole, any suggestion/tip on what im doing wrong?


1. Dropping loot: That depends on settings and/or script you are using. You need to post it, so we can try to help you. It would be great if you also share your backpack organization like a screenshot of your backpacks.

2. Go down hole: Just create a STAND waypoint on hole location. You may ask me, how can I do that if I can't step on hole? Simple... When you create a waypoint on Cavebot, it's created based on your characters location, but there's an option that you can change on which direction you wanna create. The default option is "C" (Center), which is the same position your character stands.
You just need to stand at hole's south then select "N" and create the stand waypoint... So the waypoint will be created at your north, where the hole will be.
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You can also use HUDs -> Show waypoints option to help you to "see" that.

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The script is from your thread "Usefull scripts" and this is the list of items i've changed to it does loot it but like i said not moving it to the lootbackpack

local ItemsDrop = { 'dwarven shield', 'battle axe', 'gold coin', 'crossbow' } -- Items that you wanna drop inside the container.
local BackpackLoot = 'Blue Backpack' -- Backpack that you are carrying to keep loots, it will drop FROM this backpack.

And this is pretty much my backpack setup
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Thanks for your fast reply =)



What's the backpack or bag that you are using on floor? That script opens it and move items from your blue backpack to that container.
I also recommend you to close all your containers and reopen it then try to use the script.

Try using the following version of the script:
local ItemsDrop = { 'fish', 'battle shield', 'wooden shield' } -- Items that you wanna drop inside the container.
local BackpackLoot = 'Red Backpack' -- Name or index. Index is recommended. It will drop loots FROM this backpack. If you choose to use name then you MUST NOT have the same kind backpack (even if inside another) on floor.
local DropBagPosition = { X = 12345, Y = 54321, Z = 7 } -- Container's location that you wanna open and drop items inside.


if findopenedcontainer == nil then
    function findopenedcontainer(lastContainers, currentContainers, openedContainerId)
        if currentContainers == nil then
            currentContainers = getcontainers()
        if openedContainerId == nil then
            openedContainerId = -1

        for _, current in ipairs(currentContainers) do
            local found = false
            for __, last in ipairs(lastContainers) do
                if last.index == current.index then
                    found = true
            if found == false and (openedContainerId <= 0 or openedContainerId == current.id) then
                return current
        return nil

if opencontainer == nil then
    function opencontainer(id, from, newWindow, tries)
        if newWindow == nil then
            newWindow = false
        if tries == nil then
            tries = 3

        local containersBefore = getcontainers()

        local openedContainer = nil
        for j = 1, tries do
            openitem(id, from, newWindow)
            wait(800, 1200)
            local containersCurrent = getcontainers()
            openedContainer = findopenedcontainer(containersBefore, containersCurrent, id)
            if openedContainer ~= nil and openedContainer.index >= 0 then
            containersBefore = containersCurrent
        return openedContainer

if tempOpenNextContainer == nil then
    function tempOpenNextContainer(cont)
        local emptyLeft = cont.maxslots - cont.usedslots
        while emptyLeft == 0 do
            for _, bagItem in ipairs(cont.items) do
                if itemhasflags(bagItem.id, 4) then
                    openitem(bagItem.id, cont.index)
                    cont = getcontainer(cont.index)
                    if cont ~= nil and cont.maxslots ~= nil then
                        emptyLeft = cont.maxslots - cont.usedslots
                emptyLeft = -1
        if emptyLeft > 0 then
            return cont
        return nil

local bagContainer = opencontainer(0, ground(DropBagPosition.X, DropBagPosition.Y, DropBagPosition.Z), true)
if bagContainer ~= nil then
    bagContainer = tempOpenNextContainer(bagContainer)
    if bagContainer ~= nil then
        emptyLeft = bagContainer.maxslots - bagContainer.usedslots
        if emptyLeft > 0 then
            for i,j in ipairs(ItemsDrop) do
                local failCount = 0
                while itemcount(j, BackpackLoot) > 0 do
                    if emptyLeft == 0 then
                        bagContainer = tempOpenNextContainer(bagContainer)
                        if bagContainer ~= nil and bagContainer.maxslots ~= nil then
                            emptyLeft = bagContainer.maxslots - bagContainer.usedslots
                    if moveitems(j, bagContainer.index, BackpackLoot, 100) then
                        emptyLeft = emptyLeft - 1
                        failCount = failCount + 1
                        if failCount > 3 then

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Im using blue backpack on floor with several other backpacks inside


So your setup is not correct, since your main backpack is also a blue backpack. As you are using backpack name in "BackpackLoot" variable then you must not have the same backpack kind on floor, so you need to change it to INDEX instead of backpack name OR make sure that you are not using the same backpack kind on floor (or any backpack inside the bp on floor).
I also made some changes on script (i've posted it on my post above!).

Container index is the number given by the game-client when you open a container.
You can use the following code to print each container index and name, so it may be easier for you to find the container index.
local containers = getcontainers()
for _, cont in ipairs(containers) do
    print(cont.index .. ': ' .. cont.name)

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Works perfectly now and great thanks for fast help! =)

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