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fire and traps
good afternoon, I can't configure special areas, it walks on fire, perch, traps etc, even putting the ID in unwalklable ids


You are probably using "Map-clicks only", that means Bot is going to use map clicks to walk, so the game-client that actually finds a path to walk.

In that case, even if Bot find the best path on its own avoiding that sqm, it's possible that game-client choose a different path to walk and may walk on that sqm.
I've already made some changes to try to make Bot's pathfinder function works more like the game-client, so that both return the same path to avoid this kind of problem.

In your specific case, I recommend you to disable "Map-clicks only" while walking on such area then enable it again.
For example: Let's say you are hunting and wanna pass thru into a place that contains poison fields. Then make a wpt (like node, stand, etc) to reach that room then make an Action wpt to use setsettings to disable "Map-clicks only", make another wpt to walk thru the fields and after that make an Action wpt to use setsettings to enable "Map-clicks only" again.

is it very difficult to do this? I'm a bit of a layman with these commands


It's not about commands, but how Bot and game-clients works internally. As I said, I've already made some changes on to try to make Bot's pathfinder function works more like the game-client, so that both return the same path to avoid this kind of problem... You just need to redownload and reinstall Kasteria OTBot.
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good night, this command in the action does not work from the error, "setsettings to disable "Map-clicks only"
I'm trying to do exactly as you mentioned

the simplest solution is to disable once and for all the "Map-clicks only", if you leave it walking by the arrows is there a problem? interfere with something?


I did not understand what you said.
setsettings('Cavebot/Map-clicks only', false)

You should setup your settings according to your needs.

okay ty
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do you have a problem leaving the map click disabled completely?


No, there is no problem. If you disable map-clicks only then bot will walk thru arrow keys, which may be a bit slower than using map-clicks.

I understand a lot, thanks again

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