Everyone who has never used our Bots before, can test each one for 2 days without any limitation. The trial is given automatically when you login on the Bot, but in some cases it wouldn't work (security reasons). If this happens, send me a private message and i will be checking the failed trials manually and adding it for those who didn't get it.
We are looking for resellers who may accept payment methods different from ours, including classictibia's cash, realesta's cash, mastercores' cash, etc. Interested? Click here at anytime.
hey guys can someone help me with a default msg alerter cuz gms are invisible but when they talk i wanna know, and the normal msg alert in bot doesnt work very well
getmessages() [table]: Get the last messages on the current active channel.
getnewmessages() [table]: Get the news received messages on the current active channel.
getstatictexts(optional number x, optional number y, optional number z) [table]: Get the current static messages showing up on your screen. Alternatively, you can use parameters to get only from a specific tile.
getnewstatictexts() [table]: Get the new static messages showing up on your screen.