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rune maker with mana potions
some have a script to make runes with manas? in the server you cant make runes for 5 minutes if you use a mana potion so i want a script that fulls the mana and wait 5 mins and make all the mana on runes so refill all mana again wait 5 mins and repeat



This script will disable runamaker, heals your mana to 90%, wait between 5 to 5:30 minutes, enable runemaker and wait between 10 to 20 seconds (which is the time that runemaker should use to make runes) and finally disable runemaker again.

So you should calculate how long it takes to make runes and setup on TIME_RUNES table.

local ITEM = 'mana potion'
local MANA_HEAL_PC = 90 -- Heals mana using item above until mana% >= this value.
local TIME_WAIT = { Min = 300000, Max = 330000 } -- Time range to wait after healing mana.
local TIME_RUNES = { Min = 10000, Max = 20000 } -- Time range to wait before disable runemaker.

setsettings('Runemaker/Enabled', false)

while mppc() <= MANA_HEAL_PC and itemcount(ITEM) > 0 do
    useitemoncreature(ITEM, id())
    wait(800, 1200)


setsettings('Runemaker/Enabled', true)


setsettings('Runemaker/Enabled', false)

thanksĀ for the support and it is possible to make the runemaker spam faster the action?is too slow


I assume that you are talking about moving blanks runes and casting spells to make runes then moving it back, right? So no, it's not possible to make Runemaker faster directly by scripts.
However, you can make your own runemaker (check for blanks, move blank runes to hand, cast spell and move back) by LUA scripts, so you could make it work faster or so.
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