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move items and changegold
Why even if i change the interval on move items to 10ms it still seems slow.
I've tried this bot on another servers and it wasn't like that.

Also, can you please add change gold onto the options?


There are two delay options on Console tab related to mouse and dragging, it was created due to security reasons. Since the GMs could check how fast you moved an item and you could easily get detected. So setting up low values may be dangerous, but if you don't care then just setup Mouse Action Min. Delay to zero and Mouse drag delay to something like 50 to 100.

Console->Mouse Action minimum delay: That's the minimum delay that Bot should wait between mouse actions. If you setup like 500 to 600 (let's say it sorts 550 ms from that range) and Bot's last mouse action was 1s ago then it will not wait at all. However, if it was like 300 ms ago, it may wait 250m, because it sorted 550ms and your last action was 300ms. 550 - 300 = 200 ms, it would wait 200ms before performing next action.
Console -> Drag Delay: Time to wait after dragging an item.

You already can find a script to do that on Forums, use search on next time.

local containers = getcontainers()
for _, container in ipairs(containers) do
    for __, item in ipairs(container.items) do
        if (item.id == 3031 or item.id == 3035) and item.count == 100 then
            useitemslot(item.index, container.index)
            wait(200, 500)

-- EDIT --
You can redownload and reinstall Mastercores OTBot latest build from here:
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.

I've just uploaded a new build and added "Options->Change gold/platinum", so you don't need to use the script at all.

keywords: change gold, change platinum, change crystal, change money, change cash.

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