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runemaker bug
After reinstalling the bot, im using the same script i've made on the same char, but now im getting this error everytime:

22:52:00 - Runemaker-> Refill -> Blanks: No slots available to pickup bp of blanks.

The error is clear about what's going on, that's not a bug.

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but the bps are literally the same as always, same on the blanks on house floor


That doesn't really says much. I think the best startup is leave your main bp open, but empty (without bps or runes). Because you can open bps in wrong order and container index may mess up.

If you believe that's a bug then you should read the "How to report a bug":
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Then place a bug report:
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.

Remember to record exactly what you do to get your character ready, so record your settings and you opening bps or not, etc.

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