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Custom Rune Maker between mana parameters
Hello friends.

Looking for a custom rune making script that makes a rune (custom spell) between x%-x% of mana. If the spell can be adjusted that would be great. 

Thank you.


local CONFIG = {
    ManaStart = 80, -- Starts making runes when mana % is equal or higher this value.
    ManaStop = 30, -- Stops making runes when mana % is lower or higher this value.
    Spell = 'adori vis', -- Spell to make rune.

if mppc() >= CONFIG.ManaStart then
    while mppc() > CONFIG.ManaStop do
        if cancast() then
        wait(1000, 1300)

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Appreciate this a bunch. Just to verify. Even this script would pause on gm detected if I have is ticked in general, correct?

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This script don’t have any code to stop if GM shows up. However, if you use Alerts -> GM Detected -> Pause Bot and use on a Persistent with “Pause on Pause Bot” enabled then Bot will stop it when Bot is paused.
If you are afraid of a GM then I recommend you to use another script to check for your mana or even edit this one to do so. Because if a GM heals your mana this script will keep making rune.

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Do you take requests for scripts for paypal donations? If you dm me your paypal; looking to pay 10$ usd. 

Script needs to make runes between 30-40% mana (ie start at 30, end at 40. Not make runes while gm on screen whether visible or invisible (which i believe bot already detects) and if mana for some reason does get maxed by a gm, to not make a rune since it's not within 30-40% parameter. 

Lmk if interested ?

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Unfortunately no, I had troubles in past, so I don't sell scripts anymore.
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However I still help people for free. But feel free to make any donations, but without any obligations between the two of us. I replied your PM back with our email address.
I won't be sad if you don't, but I will certainly be happy if you do it on your own.
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You can use this script to check if GM healed your mana:
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As I said, you can use Alerts -> GM Detected -> Pause Bot to pause bot when GM is detected. If you enable Persistents -> (Persistent) -> Pause on Pause Bot? then the persistent will be paused when Bot is paused. So the script would be paused if GM is detected.
Notice that Bot cannot detect a GM when it's invisible.

If i understood you correctly, that's what you asked for:

Script #1
It will ONLY make runes if your mana % is between 30% and 40%. At the start, it will calculate how many runes it can make based on CONFIG.ManaSpell (default: 200) and make only that amount. So if GM heals while you make runes, it would still make the same amount.
-- You have 30% (let's say that's 600 mana) and it takes 200 mana per rune, it will make 3 runes no matter what.
-- You have 40% mana (let's say that's 800 mana) and it takes 200 mana per rune, it will make 4 runes no matter what.
-- You have 41% mana, it will NOT make ANY runes.
local CONFIG = {
    ManaStart = { Min = 30, Max = 40 }, -- Starts making runes when mana % is INSIDE this range.
    Spell = 'adori vis', -- Spell to make rune.
    ManaSpell = 200, -- Mana to to make rune. Used to calculate how many runes it will make in a row.

local manaPercent = mppc()
if manaPercent >= CONFIG.ManaStart.Min and manaPercent <= CONFIG.ManaStart.Max then
    local amountRunes = math.floor(mp() / CONFIG.ManaSpell)
    for i = 1, amountRunes do
        if not cancast() then
            wait(1000, 1300)

Script #2
Works pretty much as the script above, but without start range.
It will ONLY make runes if your mana % is higher than CONFIG.ManaStart (default: 80). At the start, it will calculate how many runes it can make based on CONFIG.ManaSpell (default: 200) and make only that amount. So if GM heals while making runes, it would still make the same amount.
-- You have 80% (let's say that's 1000 mana) and it takes 200 mana per rune, it will make 5 runes no matter what.
local CONFIG = {
    ManaStart = 80, -- Starts making runes when mana % is equal or higher this value.
    Spell = 'adori vis', -- Spell to make rune.
    ManaSpell = 200, -- Mana to to make rune. Used to calculate how many runes it will make in a row.

local manaPercent = mppc()
if manaPercent >= CONFIG.ManaStart then
    local amountRunes = math.floor(mp() / CONFIG.ManaSpell)
    for i = 1, amountRunes do
        if not cancast() then
            wait(1000, 1300)

Script #3
This script will ONLY make runes if your mana % is between 30% and 40%. It will only try to make X runes according the value you setup on CONFIG.SpellAttempts (default: 3). So if GM heals, it would still make the same amount.
-- You have 31% mana, it will make 3 runes no matter what.
-- You have 40% mana, it will make 3 runes no matter what.
-- You have 41% mana, it will NOT make ANY runes.
local CONFIG = {
    ManaStart = { Min = 30, Max = 40 }, -- Starts making runes when mana % is INSIDE this range.
    Spell = 'adori vis', -- Spell to make rune.
    SpellAttempts = 3, -- How many runes should it make when reaching mana start?

local manaPercent = mppc()
if manaPercent >= CONFIG.ManaStart.Min and manaPercent <= CONFIG.ManaStart.Max then
    for i = 1, SpellAttempts do
        if not cancast() then
            wait(1000, 1300)

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