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Destroy field on field if fire where monster died

Sometimes when I bot the monster drops good loot but then another monster puts a fire field where the loot is before the bot has time to loot it. Then the loot is lost. 

Is it possible to make a script that use destroy field rune if monster loot is blocked by fire? Hope I gave thorough request. 

Thanks in advance!


It's not very common to happen but actually a nice idea. I've added this option built-in on Looter, can you try out?
However, you can still try to develop your own way to use destroy fields using one of LUA function's that i have created:
getlootcorpse()[table]: Returns the most likely creature corpse that Looter would loot.
getlootcorpses()[table]: Returns a list of creature corpse that Looter would loot.
.posx [number]
.posy [number]
.posz [number]
.creatureid [number]
.creaturename [string]
.opened [boolean]
.tryopenattempts [number]
.looted [boolean]
.targeted [boolean]
.finished [boolean]

Please, redownload and reinstall Kasteria OTBot then Looter option:
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I am so sorry, I put this on Kasteria... Meant to be on Mastercores/Retrocores, any chance to adding that there aswell? Thanks in advance!

|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.

I've added the same features on Mastercores OTBot.
|Only Registered members can see download links. | Click here to buy subscription or here to register.

Thank you!

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