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Holes and BP's

I need help please.

For some reason in Elderan, everytime i made a cavebot script, if im already on a cave theres no problem to go down a hole, but if I use shovel the char doesn't go down, can you explain why please? I don't get why Im doing wrong, already made a wait (1000) to see if thats the problem but no.

Im making like "Shovel to west" and next is "Stand to west" but char doesn't go down.

And next things is, how can I sort my backpacks for loot/gold? I want to know how to tell the bot wich is my main backpack, gold backpack and loot backpack.

Thanks!! I'm newbie on this

# Shovel
1. Does the character opens the hole?
2. Does it fails when need to open or fails even if hole is open?
3. What's the hole id? Use method #3 "Using HUD->Show cursor info":
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Record a video/gif showing you creating waypoints (remember to enable HUDs -> Show waypoints) and reproducing the problem then upload on imgur.com or youtube and send to me by PRIVATE MESSAGE. You can hide your character's name if you like, there's an option on Bot for that!

# Looter
Looter has option "Destination", just setup according your needs. You can setup window title, container name, container index, container id.

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